Payment for Additional Copies of HSE University Documents
The first copies of your Diploma Supplement and HSE University Diploma are provided free of charge. A payment is required if you wish to acquire additional copies. More information
{| Radio fieldName: 'diploma_type', defaultValue: 1, items: [
{ id: 1, title: 'fee for an HSE University Diploma (RUB 1,000 for an additional copy)' },
{ id: 2, title: 'fee for a Diploma Supplement (RUB 3,000 for an additional copy)' }
] |}
{| Label defaultValue:'Last name', required: true, vspace: true |}
{| TextField fieldName: 'lastName', size: 70, classAddon: 'input input_clean', required: true |}
{| Label defaultValue:'Name', required: true |}
{| TextField fieldName: 'firstName', size: 70, classAddon: 'input input_clean', required: true |}
{| Label defaultValue:'Patronymic' |}
{| TextField fieldName: 'middleName', size: 70, classAddon: 'input input_clean' |}
{| Label defaultValue: 'E-mail', required: true |}
{| TextField fieldName: 'email', size: 40, classAddon: 'input input_clean', required: true |}
{| Label defaultValue: 'Phone', required: true |}
{| TextField fieldName: 'phone', size: 40, classAddon: 'input input_clean', required: true |}
{| CheckBox fieldName: 'reason', title: 'to apply to several international universities', identifier: 'для подачи в несколько зарубежных университетов в связи с продолжением образования' |}
{| CheckBox fieldName: 'reason', title: 'to apply for several vacancies abroad', identifier: 'для подачи нескольким зарубежным работодателям' |}
{| CheckBox fieldName: 'reason', title: 'other', identifier: 'другое', onChange: 'otherShow', validator: 'checkboxValidator' |}
{| Label defaultValue:'HSE Campus', required: true |}
{| Select fieldName: 'campus', required: true, items: [{ id: '', title: '' }, { id: 'Москва', title: 'Moscow'}, { id: 'Санкт-Петербург', title: 'Saint Petersburg' }, { id: 'Нижний Новгород', title: 'Nizhny Novgorod' }, { id: 'Пермь', title: 'Perm' }] |}
{| Label defaultValue:'Year of graduation', required: true |}
{| Select required: true, fieldName: 'year', items: [{ id: '', title: '' }, { id:2025, title: "2025" },{ id:2024, title: "2024" },{ id:2023, title: "2023" },{ id:2022, title: "2022" },{ id:2021, title: "2021" },{ id:2020, title: "2020" },{ id:2019, title: "2019" },{ id:2018, title: "2018" },{ id:2017, title: "2017" },{ id:2016, title: "2016" },{ id:2015, title: "2015" },{ id:2014, title: "2014" },{ id:2013, title: "2013" },{ id:2012, title: "2012" },{ id:2011, title: "2011" },{ id:2010, title: "2010" },{ id:2009, title: "2009" },{ id:2008, title: "2008" },{ id:2007, title: "2007" },{ id:2006, title: "2006" },{ id:2005, title: "2005" },{ id:2004, title: "2004" },{ id:2003, title: "2003" },{ id:2002, title: "2002" },{ id:2001, title: "2001" },{ id:2000, title: "2000" },{ id:1999, title: "1999" },{ id:1998, title: "1998" },{ id:1997, title: "1997" },{ id:1996, title: "1996" },{ id:1995, title: "1995" },{ id:1994, title: "1994" },{ id:1993, title: "1993" }] |}
{| Label defaultValue:'ID number of diploma (if you graduated in previous years, not the current year)' |}
{| TextField fieldName: 'diplomaNumber', size: 70, classAddon: 'input input_clean' |}
{| Label defaultValue:'Number of copies' |}
{| TextField fieldName: 'qty', size: 2, type: 'number', classAddon: 'input input_clean', defaultValue: 1, onChange: 'changeQty', onKeyUp: 'changeQty' |}
{| CheckBox fieldName: 'accept', title: 'I confirm that I am an HSE graduate', required: true, validator: 'acceptValidator' |}
* – Required field
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